IMD 4GHz Quadrature Power Divider
Thick Film C-Band Two Way Quadrature Power Divider
These compact, robust and low profile ‘branchline’ devices are thick film on alumina construction and are available in microstrip or SMT architectures in a multitude of center frequencies. IMS is able to design additional devices to user specifications. Size and insertion loss are generally determined by center frequency. High conductivity metals and alumina substrate provide for a very low insertion loss compared with other architectures.
Configuration: SMT with backplane
Bandwidth: 10%
VSWR: 1.25:1
Input Power: 20W
Typical Insertion Loss: 0.4dB
Input Isolation: 15dB or more
Phase Delta: ~3°
Construction: Thick Film on 0.025” Alumina
Impedance: 50Ω nominal
Dimensions: 0.481”L x 0.441”W x 0.035”H Max